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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ukrainian Canadians and federal government sign accord on WWI internment redress

On May 9th, history was made... and a historical wrong was (finally) righted, as Canada's federal government and its Ukrainian community finally settled the Ukrainian redress issue.

The driving force behind this issue is Dr. Lubomyr Luciuk, president of the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association, who got the ball rolling over 20 years ago. It's been a tough grind and a needlessly long slog, but finally, an accord has been reached.

He graciously credits a whole whack of other people in this recent article. While a lot of people did help with the legwork and gruntwork, and deserve thanks and praise for their not insignificant contributions, if it wasn't for Dr. Luciuk's vision, tenacity and leadership, none of this would have happened.

You can hear his thoughts on the issue in an interview that aired on Nash Holos last Sunday (here). There is also more information at the UCCLA site here.

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